'The Lorde Has Risen': Lorde Teases A New Album Next Year

Lorde fans are are losing their minds.

Lorde fans are freaking out after the artist posted a rare update to social media.

Lorde – decade-defining songstress and unofficial queen of New Zealand – has hinted at releasing some new music next year, and we're pretty sure every Lorde fan on the planet is losing their goddamn mind.

The elusive Kiwi artist – born Ella Yelich-O’Connor – snuck the hint to fans in the form of a Instagram story urging her fellow Kiwis to vote in New Zealand's upcoming general election on October 17 (we had literally no idea this was happening, so thank you Lorde for the heads up).

'Hey, are you from New Zealand?' the Instagram story reads. "If you're 18+, it's time to VOTE! We know that we live in a special place. And adding all our voices to the conversation, speaking up for communities or organisations that mean something to us – that's what helps keep it that way". The Insta story includes picturesque shots of a seaside sunset, a couple of snaps of Lorde's lovely face and a shot of Lorde's hand gripping a lawn leaf with the words "Do it for our beautiful country and for me. And I'll give you something in return". That's right, something. She's talking about new music, you guys! The insta post is a pretty confusing journey, but worth it for that finale we reckon. Experience it below: 

Fans have been eagerly awaiting for the release of Lorde's new album since the artist blew blowing everyone's minds with the Melodrama in 2017, so they were pumped to see the elusive artist post an update to social media. This dedicated NYC-based fan, for example, created his own "Green Light" video, which will probably keep us going until the new album, tbh.

About a year ago, the singer announced an album delay to due to the death of her dog Pearl. Six months later, Lorde updated everyone in an email to fans. "The work is so fucking good, my friend," she wrote. "I am truly jazzed for you to hear it." Peep the full newsletter here.

Lorde is again teaming up with Melodrama producer Jack Antonoff for the new album and had been working between New Zealand and Los Angeles before a little thing known as COVID-19 decided to delay things even further. "We’re still working away – Jack [Antonoff] and I FaceTimed for over an hour this morning going over everything. But it’ll take a while longer", Lorde said.

While they feverishly await the new album, some fans have even come up with conspiracy theories to keep themselves entertained, with one fan going as far to say the cap Lorde is wears in one of her photos posted to Instagram points to a possible collab with Taylor Swift. " LORDE'S CAP SAYS TSWLIC WHICH MEANS “TAYLOR SWIFT WITH LORDE IS COMING", they shouted into the abyss. Wot. You've got to admire that optimism.

Here's hoping for some new music from Lorde extremely soon. In the meantime, we're gonna need you all to calm down.

Main Image Credit: Licensed by Getty 

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