Finally, Adele Is Back To Save Us

It’s been six years since Adele released new music. I’m glad it took several natural disasters, societal uprisings, irreversible environmental damage, Trump’s entire presidency and a global pandemic for her to break her silence.

Do you feel that? Can you hear that? In the distance? No, it’s not the murmurs of another central NSW cyclone. No, it’s not the tremors of another Melbourne earthquake. It’s something much more powerful, much harder to tame. Mother Nature has finally had it with us, and is unleashing the most fearsome weapon at her disposal – new Adele music.

It’s been six, long years since Adele released her hugely successful third album 25. Of course, nothing of note has happened in that time. Nothing at all. Still, Adele’s return is more exciting than I (and all your mums) can comprehend.

She marked her return with a small teaser posted on social media of her new single, “Easy On Me”. With a simple black and white video that shows her trademark wing lined eye glancing in the rear view mirror, we’re given what is presumably the opening snippet to the song – classic, sombre piano. This is Adele 101, folks.

Now, we don’t know for sure that “Easy On Me” will appear on her long awaited fourth album – nor do we have literally any details around the album at all. But, over the past few days, the number ‘30’ has been projected across various landmarks around the world – a gimmick with a budget only Adele can pull off. Couple that with the fact that the text’s background matches a backdrop that she’s since updated her social media with, it all seems like a perfect storm.

‘30’ could tentatively be the title of her next album, following on from the theme of naming her albums after the age she was when they were written – ‘19’, ‘21’ and ‘25’. Now, the British megastar is 33 now – which might mean she’s theoretically been sitting on this music since before the pandemic. And she chose not to share it? Cancelled!

So, pop October 15 in your diary. That’s the first Friday NSW will be allowed at the pub following the 70% easing of restrictions. And let it be known I’ll be devoting my day to learning all the lyrics to belt it out with a half-spilled schooner while security eye me off – just as Adele intended.

This is an opinion piece written by Jackson Langford, senior music and culture writer at MTV Australia. Hot takes at @jacksonlangford and hotter pics at @jacksonlangford.

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