Britney Spears’ Dad Reckons He’s ‘Protecting’ Her From People Trying To Use Her

Jamie Spears has defended his role as daughter Britney Spears’ long-time conservator.

Britney Spears' dad Jamie has entered the chat.

Throughout the ongoing battle between the pop star and her dad (who Britney unsuccessfully tried to have removed as her guardian), we haven't heard much out of Jamie Spears himself – until this week, that is.

In a statement released to CNN, Jamie – who as conservator controls all his daughter's assets, business affairs and estate – reckons he's "protecting" Brit. "I love my daughter and I miss her very much," he said.

He continued: "When a family member needs special care and protection, families need to step up, as I have done for the last 12-plus years, to safeguard, protect and continue to love Britney unconditionally. I have and will continue to provide unwavering love and fierce protection against those with self-serving interests and those who seek to harm her or my family."

Also this week, documents reportedly filed by Jamie's lawyer revealed he's claiming he helped his daughter climb out of her huge debt, get out of major lawsuits that would've cost her tens of millions of dollars and build her USD $60 million fortune.

"For over 12 years, Mr Spears has more than capably and dutifully served as the conservator of his daughter's estate, always doing what he believed was in his daughter's best interest," Jamie's attorney Vivian Thoreen apparently wrote in the docs.

"Mr Spears has performed his job well. This is a fact. He has taken the estate from being in debt and facing tens of millions of dollars of lawsuits, to a current value of well over [USD] $60 million."

The comments come amid a resurgence of the #FreeBritney movement; a bevy of Britney fans who insist the singer's being held in a conservatorship against her will.

The judge set new hearing dates for February, March and April 2021 to discuss how Britney's conservatorship should be run.

Back in November, Britney's attorney, Samuel D. Ingham III, reportedly told the court: "My client has informed me that she is afraid of her father. She will not perform again if her father is in charge of her career."

A couple weeks later, Britney shared with fans that she's in a really good place, despite displaying some odd behaviour on social media that included posting the same images again and again.

"Hi, I know that there have been a lot of comments and a lot of people saying a lot of different things about me, but I just want to let you guys know that I am fine", she said in a video. "I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life and I am sending all of you guys a lot of prayers, wishes and a lot of love."

Catch that clip here:

Written by Sangeeta Kocharekar, an American-born, Sydney-based writer at MTV. Photos from her pre-COVID-19 days as a travel writer are here.

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