Get Briefed: Your Handy Guide To Melbourne's New (Eased) Restrictions

We're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

(This is MTV Australia's second 'Get Briefed': MTV giving you the information... briefly. Jump over to Get Briefed: The Gladys Berejiklian scandal while you're here). 

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews took to the podium yesterday to announce that residents of Metropolitan Melbourne are moving to the next step of restrictions as part of Melbourne's roadmap for reopening from 11:59PM on October 18 (so today, basically), and guys, there are some goodies in there. "Victorians have done an amazing job", Dan said to Victorians yesterday. "As so many cities across the world head into what is going to be a deadly winter, we in Melbourne and across Victoria are well-placed to have a COVID-safe summer and a COVID-normal 2021." 

Here are some of the sparkly new activies that Melburnians can now indulge in: 

1. Cross The River 

That village life is finally over, and Melbourne's travel radius has been expanded from 5km to 25km. Time to get crazy. Cross the river! (If it's within 25km of home). See that friend who lives on the other side of town (if it's within 25km of home). Go to a far-flung gourmet supermarket (if it's within 25km of home). The world is your oyster (if within 25km of home). 

These tools are handy – punch in your address and they'll draw a circle around your house, showing where you can go.

2. Sort Your Hair Out

Step away from the YouTube tutorial. Hair salons (and those weird hipster barber shops) are permitted to resume business today, thankfully.

3.  Exercise For Several Hours A Day 

Premier Dan Andrews announced he's be scrapping the two-hour time limit on exercising and socialising outside of home, so it's time to go on a 4-hour run! Why not! YOLO.

4. Have A Large Picnic 

Dan reckons groups of up to ten people (from a maximum of two households) may now gather in a public area like a park or slab of concrete, so get ready for some of this: 

5. Do Sport

You can now do more, uh... [checks notes] sports, as outdoor sports facilities like tennis courts, skateparks and golf courses have the green light to reopen from today (subject to meeting COVID-safe conditions). 

6. See A Physio 

Allied Health Services (think physiotherapists, psychologists and optometrists) are now able to resume face-to-face care. If you're not sure what counts as an 'Allied Health' (literally only politicians use these words), have a look at this link

7. Wear A Mask 

With all these newfound freedoms, wearing a mask and staying 1.5 metres away from others is more important than ever in ensuring cases stay low.

ICYMI, Melbourne's mask requirements changed just one week ago. A well-fitted mask that properly covers your nose and mouth is essential; otherwise you could be fined $200 (ouch). Even worse, you'll endanger the people around you. 

This isn't an exhaustive list of restrictions, so if you're looking for a more detailed rundown, get over to the ABC's coverage here and the official state government info here

Enjoy your new freedoms, Melbourne. Proud of us.Written by Reena Gupta, a Melbourne-based writer at MTV Australia. Follow her at @purpletank

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