Pressing Questions With GRAACE

We accost Sydney muso GRAACE with a medley of our most pressing questions.

Like most of us, GRAACE is still trying to figure everything out. The Sydney singer-songwriter has been steadily working on her craft for years, exploring the many facets of pop, before rediscovering her love for the piano and the guitar in the past 12 months. She’s winding things back and living the simple life, a sentiment that’s perfectly encapsulated in her new single “Sentimental”.

The song kick starts a new era for GRAACE, taken from a forthcoming project apparently influenced by Olivia Rodrigo and Phoebe Bridgers, and to celebrate she sat down with MTV Australia to answer some of our pressing questions, where she opened up about grief, tofu and Super Smash Bros.

What is the meaning of life?

I literally don’t know how to answer this.

Something COVID taught you

Finding joy in the smaller, more mundane things helps preservation rather than seeking out the little highs like I used to when I was younger because it was instant, but it never lasted.

Last movie you watched

Just finished re-watching all the Harry Potter films for the 50th time. Lord of the Rings next.

Best advice you’ve received?

My therapist told me to remember I'm not special. I slightly wanted to cry when I heard them say it but what they meant was that you're no more special than the person next to you, and your problems aren't as unique – nor are you as lonely – as you think. Now it brings me comfort.

Someone you really admire

My mum. She's a 67-year-old widow working packing boxes in a warehouse to pay rent and I really admire her resilience whilst being dealt some really difficult bumps in her life.

How do you feel about your hair?

I used to struggle with the health of my hair from manically dying it in my early 20s. But it's now healthy and blonde like my childhood and I love it. I loved being brunette but it didn't feel like me.

What happens when you die?

Who knows.. but I’m not planning on knowing the answer any time soon.

Describe yourself in three words

Emotional, introverted and loving.

One person or thing you think is underrated

Cold raw tofu. Cold tofu is one of the best things in the world and deserves a lot more appreciation for its existence.

You can time travel to the past or the future. Where do you go and why?

OMG. The past, are you kidding me? I would go back to when my dad was alive and get closure. Sudden deaths really rock your brain your whole life.

Nature or nurture?

Nature and nurture. I do think that, unfortunately, we don't have much control of how we are brought up and that does make you the person that you are because of the defining environment you were dealt with – a toxic family life, parents who are still married, siblings etc. But growing up is realising that that environment doesn't have to define you and you choose how to nurture yourself and unlearn those things if you're somebody like me who had a really rough time growing up and have had to do so.

What do you doubt most?

I doubt there is much after you die. I hate to say it, but I really just don't think it's that deep.

Daily ritual you couldn't live without


How are you at 8am?

Thanks to COVID lockdown depression anyone who knows me can bet that they will not be able to reach me at 8am. Because I will be very much asleep.

Something you're passionate about

Telling people “I'm not good at Super Smash Bros” and choosing Kirby because he's so cute, before smashing them!

Listen to Graace's new single, "Sentimental", just below. 

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