Emma Chamberlain Is 'Taking A Break' From YouTube

I'm now convinced the world is against us.

Bad news, guys. In a move that is utterly not approved by me, this week YouTuber Emma Chamberlain announced she’s taking a break from the platform so she can reflect and “evolve”.

Reaching millions of subscribers each week, queen Chamberlain’s content – as we recently pointed out – offers a refreshing break from the toxic culture surrounding some of the key creators on the platform.

Last week, though, Emma posted that she’d taken a short break from creating. “i took this week off to make cheese boards and go to the beach and clear my mind, so no video this week. but i will see you soon. i love you all, and i hope you had a relaxing and beautiful sunday *forehead kiss😚 *,” she wrote.

Emma then resurfaced earlier this week to let us know that the break would be extended for a bit longer than she initially anticipated, promising it’s “not a negative thing”. “taking a few more weeks off to think ....” she wrote. “i need to take my own advice on taking a break when it's needed. this isn't a negative thing though, i'm thinking a lot about how i can evolve and make things that truly excite me.”

“i haven't taken a step back in a long time to ask myself what that means. i love and appreciate you and i will see you soon *forehead kiss😚 *.”

So, it looks like we’ll all just have to practice some patience as we await the YouTuber’s return. (I miss her already.)

See you soon, Emma. And enjoy the cheese.

Words by Dani Leever, a writer and homosexual pop culture enthusiast. Find their words at @danileever or catch their gay DJ drag adventures at @djgaydad.

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